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Published on 30/05/2024

WEEE Forum meets Eucobat in Luxembourg.

For the first time, and at the invitation of Ecotrel ASBL and Ecobatterien ASBL, WEEE Forum and Eucobat convened in Luxembourg.

These organizations are predominantly European, but also include international actors. We wanted to invite them to Luxembourg so they could communicate together.

Andy Maxant

On the first day, WEEE Forum and Eucobat held their General Assemblies, and respectively their Operations Committee and Technical Working Group meetings, at the European Convention Center Luxembourg.

The day concluded with a celebration of Ecotrel ASBL's 20th anniversary and Ecobatterien ASBL's 15th anniversary at the MUDAM.

On the second day, there was a joint conference where Kerstin Lichtenvort from the European Commission presented on battery regulation and upcoming revisions to WEEE legislation.

The members of both organizations also discussed the removability of batteries in appliances and how to improve the collection of batteries and WEEE.