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How to join

Who can join?

Luxembourg producers as well as importers of batteries and accumulators, including those incorporated into appliances or vehicles. Companies established in another country which supply batteries or accumulators directly to an end-user in Luxembourg, including those incorporated into appliances or vehicles.

Foreign suppliers may join Ecobatterien ASBL if they are commissioned by their Luxembourg importer clients.

With regard to the automotive industry and by way of derogation a supplier located abroad may directly join Ecobatterien ASBL on behalf of its Luxembourg dealers. The supplier must then inform its dealers located in Luxembourg in writing and notify them of their obligations with regard to the collection of automotive batteries and accumulators.

How to become a member of Ecotrel?


Membership at Ecobatterien is open to any company that meets the definition of producer as described in the amended law of 19/12/2008.

Producers or importers pay an annual fixed contribution depending on the amount of recycling fees due.

Producers or importers located in Luxembourg who are members of one of the federations of Luxembourg Confederation, the Fédération des Artisans or Fedil are exempted to pay the annual fixed contributions. For more information on joining one of these federations, please visit, or


Next, you should download the Accession agreement. (This is valid both for Luxembourg and foreign companies)

You must then:

  • fill in the identification form
  • complete both copies of the Accession agreement on page 1, initial each page and sign in the space provided on the last page.

  • send all the documents (both copies of the Accession agreement plus the identification form) to the following postal address:
    Ecobatterien asbl
    Square Mile Belval
    11, boulevard du Jazz
    L-4370 Belvaux

    You can also send you agreement by e-mail:


Ecobatterien will sign your copy of the agreement and send it back to you together with your membership number, your user code and the password that will allow you to fill in your declaration electronically.


The last step is to submit your initial declaration directly via this site or by post, fax or email. To do this correctly, we recommend you to consult the information provided on this site under the heading "Declaration".